Tips for showing your behind the scenes online

Are you having a hard time showing behind the scenes of your business? Not sure what to post or how to…

I have a 5 tips to help you come up with ideas and make sure you are helping your customers see what goes into your business.

  1. Show the tools you use. This could be your products that contribute to your art or could be the software you use to enhance your business.

  2. Your process. So weather you use photoshop as a photographer or trello to help keep your lists on track , include them in this. Trust meet this helps you build connection.

  3. How your process starts and how it ends. It might sound simple but being sure they know the steps is up to you.

  4. Your workflow. These steps might sound boring to you, but to your clients it really is interesting. So don’t skip on this step.

  5. Video of you working. There are a few different video forms to pull from in this category. So I’ll give a few ideas for the next time you are working.

    -Time-lapse of you working on your product.

    -Prop your phone up as you dye your fabrics, make your candles or style your bouquet.

    -Video of you picking out your materials, colors or materials.

  6. Why you started and what motivates you is my bonus tip. This ties into everything in your business.

I hope these get you pumped and ready to start posting behind the scenes. Showcasing the uniqueness in your business and why you do what you do will help you gain trust and be relatable to your audience.

If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed and lost in trying to do these yourself, let’s chat and see how I can help you not only show up in your process but showcase who you are and what sets you apart from others in your industry. Contact me today!

Hi! I'm Elizabeth, personal branding photographer. Through my signature and streamlined shoot planning process, my goal is to help create eye catching and personality driven images so you can create a connection, build trust and start turning ideal clients into customers, without headache of having to figure out all the details on your own! Let’s chat about how I can help you, click here. 

Follow along with me @3ephotographyca on Instagram.